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Security is always an issue in internet dating
Need assistance? e-mail our help centre Dating maintains strict security rules for your safety and dating success

We urge all members and prospective members to read and study this Help bulletin which is updated regularly. There are people on the internet particularly but not limited to the African continent who are engaged in activity designed to swindle money from those online seeking love and friendship.

Think about it: When you are searching for a loved one or life partner, you may be more susceptible to another's life story where you are the one being asked to assist financially.

Before we go any further we would like to emphasis that is one of the safest dating environments in the world. We can guarantee your safety online provided you accept our regulations and guidance in full.

This is usually what happens.

1. A person registers with a dating site putting up a false profile. has a security officer who now examines each application for membership. We reject 8.7% of applications on the grounds of bad taste, insufficient detail and security grounds.

2. The profile is usually that of a very upright and caring person who suggests that love is more important than money.
Our team has a list of known offenders around the world but these people will use false photographs, id information and profiles. You should always insist on a one to one chat with the person online using ThaiLoveLines facilities and without divulging your personal contact information. Talk to them about their background etc. Beware of stories with 'shifting sands'.

3. The actor will befriend you with e-mails and eventually coax you off the dating site with an external e-mail id.
We recommend that you keep your dating activities online within at all times until you have developed a secure relationship with the other party. Try to develop a meaningful relationship online and move beyond e-mail communication while using our secure services such as Instant Messenger.

4. If in doubt, Ask us.
Please feel free to ask our support team if you have any doubts about any profile or individual in the strictest confidence. We are happy to assert that 99.9% of our members are bona fide and such requests will help us to keep it that way.

5. Never, ever send money to a member.
We ask you to use this instruction to reject a request from another member to assist him or her financially no matter how plausible or true the story may be. It is against site security policy. Simply state this and report any such request to our security or support staff in strict confidence. Our team will log all such reports and if we see a pattern with individual members, we will take action.

Many people have found wonderful partners, friends and loving relationships on our web site. The overwhelming proportion of our members are genuine people. We are striving to protect this situation and site security is a very important element in this service.

Contact our security team 24hrs a day for help, assistance, advice and to report a problem on:

Contact Security Team - Send Info (Click here)

(Above) Do not entertain any requests for money and report such abuse immediately. Do not divulge external e-mail contact details. This is always the course adopting by those engaged in dishonest activity. (Below) All communications on are secure and private. However our advanced security facilities will pick up contacts from those who are known to site security and key words or phrases used by those involved in internet abuse.
Links that you may require:
Security Guide for E-mail Centre use
How to use Meet your Match
Instant Messenger on
How to upload new photographs
How to set up Skype
Switching off contact & match e-mails
Download Winamp audio player
How to upload your audio profile
Download Audacity audio recorder